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Larry King Live

Vision America President Dr. Rick Scarborough made a recent appearance on CNN's Larry King Live.  Rick was a special guest in the discussion on religous conservative values in today's political arena.  Rick's comments on judicial tyranny, defense of marriage, and other important issues were broadcast to a worldwide audience.

Click here for a transcript of the show

Rally Against
Human Cloning

video highlights from
our recent St. Louis event

Alan Keyes
Phyllis Schlafly
Archbishop Raymond Burke

Click here for the video

Click here for CNN report
(link opens in new window)

Christian conservatives mobilize to rev up `values voters'

Stem cell debate about more than sin

Stem cell rally stirs Christians

Elections Will Sway Stem Cell Debate

Tax Dollars for
Planned Parenthood

Religious Freedom in India
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Your U.S. Congressman

Federal Marriage Amendment

Pledge Protection Act

The Constitution Restoration Act
HR 1070

The Public Expression
of Religion Act
HR 2679


Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor
First Baptist Church
Wichita Falls, TX

"I believe that God has given us freedom in this nation as a stewardship that we need to protect, and take advantage of in the best possible way, so I think it’s erroneous to say that Christians are to isolate themselves and to have no involvement at all in the political process."

Tim LaHaye
"Left Behind" Author

"Vision America is an effective organization of pastors and churches helping Christians ... I strongly urge every pastor to become a vital part of Vision America."

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Vision America