Enough is Enough
- Rick Scarborough
- Dec 29, 2008
Final Special Rick Scarborough Report for 2008:
Enough Is Enough
“America is facing the gravest challenge since the Second World War, and one that will forever change the course of this great nation” – Pastor Rick Scarborough
Dear Vision
As the end of the year approaches, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who receives this Report and prays for our efforts. Because we now have over 1,000,000 subscribers, I am certain some will forward this email to friends who do not typically read our reports so let me rehearse who I am and what I do, and most importantly, why.
I am a Pastor by training and calling, committed to shepherding and caring for the flock of God. I currently Pastor a church in
The following Sunday I read her remarks from our pulpit to the more than 1000 people in attendance, four letter words and all. That resulted in a mobilized and infuriated congregation. What followed made national headlines and has been reported in numerous books and periodicals, including my best selling full length book which was first printed in 1996, Enough is Enough, and was updated and re-released nationwide this year.
More importantly, I began preaching the necessity of Christians being salt and light in society, and encouraging our people to run for public office. Members of that congregation soon controlled both the local school board and city council and we soon had a sitting District Judge and finally a State Representative. The crowning achievement of our efforts was a coalition of Pastors from around the area who worked together for over two years and assisted in dislodging one of the most liberal members of the US Congress, an incumbent of more than 25 years, and replacing him with an openly confessing conservative Christian Representative.
In 1998 I launched a nationwide effort to mobilize Pastors into the political arena called Vision
But all that changed in November of this year when Barrack Obama, the most pro-choice, pro-homosexual, pro-big government liberal to ever run for the Presidency, was elected to be our next President. Unbelievably, at least to me, was the discovery that millions of professing Christians voted for him, suspending their Biblical convictions as they blindly voted for change.
I believe that
There is not space nor time to report all that I believe on this subject here, but for everyone who will assist Vision
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I am not hopeless, but I do believe that Christians and other god-fearing Americans must be willing to confront what Barrack Hussein Obama has made clear will be the most radical pro-abortion and pro-homosexual big government administration ever. We still have friends in Congress, but we must mobilize millions of Americans to stand with them and let them know we are here to pray and to act!
I hold in my possession a 55 page report posted on Obama’s transition website which contains the battle plan for expanding abortion world wide at tax payer expense. Homosexual activists, who monitor this email alert and routinely send me threats, have made it clear they EXPECT payback for their support of Obama’s campaign, and are demanding that they be given not just equal rights, but preferential treatment. Just look at how they have reacted to the choice of an evangelical minister praying at the inauguration!
And now we are hearing of plans to take the financial crisis this country is facing and using it as the gateway to nationalizing enormous chunks of the American economy, moving us down the road to European style socialism. One of the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence was the inalienable right to pursue happiness. With nationalized healthcare, no health care professional will ever be included in that right again, and you will see an erosion of the greatest healthcare system the world has ever known.
Beloved, I have written in detail about all of this, and I want to send you a copy of my book, free, as an expression of my appreciation of your gift to our work. I would offer it free for any size gift, but those who hate what Vision America does would surely attempt to bankrupt our ministry with hundreds of $1.00 gifts. Please consider giving the greatest gift you can afford as this year closes. All gifts to Vision
Our whole team wishes you and yours a Blessed New Year.
Pastor Rick Scarborough Founder and President of Vision PS. Please consider an end of the year donation to Vision Your maximum possible gift TODAY would help us enormously. MAKE YOUR MOST GENEROUS DONATION TODAY Select Here! https://secure.conservativedonations.com/va_enough/?a=2010 Even smaller donations are going to help and remember with every $25 donation I will send you a copy of Enough Is Enough. Anything you can do will give us the ammunition we need to fight to Protect Life and Free Speech. Any amount — $1000, $500, $250, or even $100 will help stop the Congress from stealing your freedoms. Even if you can only afford $35 or $25 — we need your help and we need it now. We must act quickly. We want to continue reaching Americans to join the fight. Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” SELECT HERE To Donate and Receive “Enough Is Enough” https://secure.conservativedonations.com/va_enough/?a=2010 Vision Or send Checks to: Dept Code 2010 P.O. Box 10