• Rick Scarborough
  • Oct 29, 2010

Dear Friend in Christ,

Your pastor has been imprisoned. Not a physical prison, but a prison of lies that is stopping the church from being salt and light.  Let me give you some background, and then I’m going to ask you to join me in freeing pastors who have been imprisoned all across America. I could write a book on this, but time is short and the need is urgent, so I’ll be as brief as I can.

Real change is coming.

In less than a week a major political power shift will occur, one which I believe will be very good for America. In every Congressional District across this once-great land, Tea Party activists have mobilized to shake the political establishment in both parties to its core.  I’ve spoken at many of these events and I’ve felt the energy.

Corrupt politicians who have long been insulated from the consequences of their headlong rush to godless progressivism are likely to lose. And many godly people will get elected and go to Washington DC.

This is a blessing from God which I have prayed for and for which I am grateful.

But I am also deeply, deeply troubled.

I’ll explain more in a minute, but I need you to stand with me now as we prepare the resources necessary to free pastors from the lies that have imprisoned them from fulfilling their God-given role in America’s restoration.

We’ve been here before.

I have seen this before.  In 1980, and again in 1994, as Christians all across America have heard the call and gotten engaged in the political process, profound change has occurred. But it was mostly economic change with much-needed tax cuts and deregulation. Very little real progress was made in the culture wars.

It breaks my heart to know that, like the 1980 and 1994 political sea changes, this change is not being led by pastors. And why aren’t they leading? 

Because America’s pastors are imprisoned by lies.

We are preparing the resources necessary to free pastors from the lies that have imprisoned them, but I need you to stand with me now.

I fear that, just like the last two profound political power shifts, this one will quickly fade because it is primarily driven by a reaction to economics and ethics, not one based on pastors calling a nation to repentance. God’s Word says that true revival comes when God’s people, called by God’s own name, humble themselves and pray, and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.

And what is our faithful God’s promise?

“...then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chron. 7:14 (KJV)

The Black Robed Regiment

Our nation was birthed in Revival. Without the spiritual, moral and intellectual underpinning of the Great Awakening, our Declaration of Independence and Constitution could never have been written. Pastors, free of any fear except for the fear of God, spoke the truth boldly from the pulpit.

During the War for Independence, more Americans died in prisoner of war camps than died on the battlefield, and the largest profession of those who died were pastors. You see, the British believed (correctly) that the faithful preaching of the truth by pastors in every community stirred up the people to rebel against godless tyranny. These godly men were hated by the British for their strong preaching and were called the Black Robe Regiment.

And today, God-fearing pastors who speak the truth are hated by the progressives who would deny us our liberties, steal the fruits of our labor and enslave our children’s minds.  They know that if they can imprison our pastors with lies, they will keep us quiet.

“If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” 

– President Ronald Reagan

The lie that imprisons pastors.

The lie that imprisons pastors is that they must tread lightly when it comes to the truth about godly government. They have been told that they will jeopardize their tax exempt status. They have been told it is illegal to speak the truth.

They fear the IRS.

The roots of this lie go back to 1954 when then-Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson sought to silence Christian pastors who were criticizing his personal life. He got the IRS code amended to say that non-profit tax-exempt entities could not “participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.”

It’s unconstitutional, but it was never challenged. It’s now widely accepted that if a pastor speaks the truth about government from the pulpit, the Church’s non-profit status will be challenged.   We are preparing the resources necessary to free pastors from the lies that have imprisoned them, but time is short and the laborers are few.

“...Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32 (KJV)

In 2008, 30 pastors participated in Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Backed by the good lawyers at the Alliance Defense Fund, they spoke out boldly on political issues on the last Sunday in September. They then sent transcripts or recordings of their sermon to the IRS, challenging them to enforce the law.

In 2009, 83 pastors did the same thing on the last Sunday in September. 

Just weeks ago, over 100 pastors participated in Pulpit Freedom Sunday.

The IRS was stunned!  It never expected anyone to call its bluff, but these brave pastors fear God more than man.

The IRS did launch a nine-month investigation of one pastor, but then closed the investigation, stating in its letter that “the IRS may commence a future inquiry to address the concerns described…after it resolves [a] procedural issue.”

We have what we need to free the pastors.

Imagine the impact of thousands of pastors all across America joining in on Pulpit Freedom Sunday! Imagine being part of what God is doing to revive America!

We have the evidence necessary to free pastors from the lies that have imprisoned them, but I need you to stand with me now so we can teach pastors the truth about the IRS.

Along with good friends like David Barton and James Dobson, we at Vision America have been, by God’s grace, courageously striking blow after blow at the very heart of the lie that has imprisoned pastors and prevented true healing for America.

Since 1992, I have been on the front lines of the battle to restore America’s Godly Heritage and I have observed that political change that does not come from Revival in the house of God, led by His Shepherds, fades quickly and is replaced by a consumerism that quickly leads to licentiousness.

God never intended our prosperity to be consumed on ourselves, but rather to carry out His Great Commission and make Disciples.

The resources necessary to free pastors from the lies that have imprisoned them from fulfilling their God-given role in the political process are there, but I need you to stand with me now as we teach pastors the truth about their God-given rights.

Help Vision America raise up an army.

By confronting the myth of separation of church and state, we have exposed the lies of the liberal left and the media. I personally have challenged Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State numerous times on national television.

By educating pastors about their freedom to speak the truth, we have mobilized pastors  in several states and we have been profoundly successful.  I could tell you many stories about local battles that we have won, but I’ve already gone on much longer than I intended and there is so much more to do.

By taking what we have learned from these successes, we are now going to raise up an army of pastors all across America who will fight the battles.  We will free them from the prison of lies they have been in and equip them to lead with God’s truth.

I need you to stand with me now as we deploy the resources necessary to free pastors from the lies that have imprisoned them from fulfilling their God-given role in the political process.

The only hope for America is for pastors to once again take their place of leadership in America. With your help, it will become a reality. I’m counting on your response.

Dr. Rick Scarborough
Vision America

PS - For your gift of $25 or more, I would like to send you a free copy of my book Enough Is Enough.

 PPS - For your gift of $50 or more, I would like to send you a free autographed copy of my book Enough Is Enough.

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