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Vol. 2  No. 11                                                                                                                               March 15, 2005

From the Desk of Pastor Rick Scarborough



The latest attempt of an activist judiciary to force the abominable, God-forbidden social experiment of homosexual marriage on the nation came in California on Monday, when State Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer declared California’s marriage laws unconstitutional because they exclude the union of two men or two women.

In so doing, Kramer ignored the manifest will of the state’s citizens. In 2000, California voters enacted Proposition 22, a legislative initiative which limits marriage to the union of one man and one woman. The initiative passed by a vote of 61.4%.

Such disdain for the democratic process is standard operating procedure for liberal judges. Last year, 11 states passed defense of marriage amendments – by landslide margins.

But none of that will stop judicial activists from forcing homosexual marriage on America. The nightmare will continue until the Church and people of faith stand up and say “Enough”! Only then will we have the marriage-protection amendment to the U.S. Constitution we so desperately need.

Pastors, we have a responsibility as God’s under-shepherds to stand up to this tyranny.

In the meantime, there’s something we can do today to counter the judicial assault on our faith, our families and our freedom.

We are working with dozens of pro-family organizations and ministries which have come together to sponsor an exciting event in Washington, DC on April 7-8 – the Confronting The Judicial War on Faith Conference. Confirmed speakers to date include Congressman Tom DeLay, Alan Keyes, Phyllis Schlafly, Mike Farris, Alveda King (neice of Dr. Martin Luther King), former Vatican Ambassador Ray Flynn, former Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, Tony Perkins, Janet Folger and Howard Phillips.

The conference will discuss: The Judicial Assault On Our Judeo-Christian Heritage, Judges: Abortion And Other Life Issues, Judicial Nominations, The Real Constitution, Remedies to Judicial Tyranny, Congress Confronts a Runaway Judiciary, The Decline of Faith In America and What To Do About It and Mobilizing The Grass Roots.

To register on line, or for more information (including a conference schedule) go to the Conference website –

If you’re a pastor and would like to attend, please call the Vision America office at 866-522-5582. Vision America will gladly pay half of the registration fee ($149) of any of our Patriot Pastors.

After you register, download the Conference poster and e-mail it to your friends. Get your church involved.

This will be the first conference to discuss judicial tyranny from a faith perspective. From it will come a coalition dedicated to the restoration of the Constitution and the defense of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Please act now!


On Sunday, March 13, thousands of Christians rallied for Terri Schiavo in Tallahassee, Florida.

The disabled woman is scheduled to have her feeding tubes removed on Friday. In a taped message to the gathering, Focus on the Family founder, Dr. James Dobson, declared, “Terri may be disabled, but her life is of great worth to God.”

Bob and Mary Schindler, Terri’s parents (who have been fighting for her life for nearly 7 years), made a heartfelt plea to the nation. “What the Nazis were doing and what they’re trying to do to Terri is the same thing,” Bob Schindler declared. The Nazis began by killing the disabled, as a dress-rehearsal for the Holocaust.

Members of the Christian youth group Bound 4 Life pledged to stage a hunger strike if Terri’s feeding tubes are removed.

The demonstration was held in Florida’s state capital to rally support for a measure moving through the state legislature requiring doctors to provide nutrition and hydration to incapacitated patients unless they left specific instructions to the contrary.

A similar measure, sponsored by Florida Congressman Dave Weldon (the Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act of 2005) has 103 co-sponsors. Florida Senator Mel Martinez is sponsoring a companion bill in the Senate.

Please call your Congressman and Senators and urge immediate congressional action on this life-saving legislation. David C. Gibbs of the Christian Law Association, the lawyer representing Terri’s parents, will also speak at the Confronting The Judicial War on Faith Conference.


Under threat of legal action from the ACLU, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced that it is pulling its charters from thousands of public schools across the nation. It is doing so to spare the schools from litigation.

The Scouts are the ACLU’s favorite target. In the past 15 years, the self-styled civil-liberties group has sued the Scouts no fewer than 14 times. In New Jersey, it took the BSA to court to force America’s leading youth group to accept homosexual scoutmasters – a demand rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court in the year 2000.

Burnishing its reputation as one of the most destructive groups in America, the ACLU threatened to sue schools that sponsor Boy Scout troops. This is based in the bizarre theory that for a public school to sponsor a troop constitutes an “establishment of religion” (under the First Amendment), because the Scout’s oath acknowledges God – as does the Pledge of Allegiance.

Like other community-based organizations, the Scouts will still be able to hold meetings after hours in public schools. But, thanks to the rampaging secularists of the ACLU, schools will no longer be able to sponsor troops, which do so much to turn young men into good citizens.

Is it not tragic that an organization devoted to instilling moral values in youth is being thwarted by a gang intent on undercutting those values at every turn?

In their unending quest to make America an un-Godly nation, the ACLU is aided and abetted by an activist judiciary.


Here is your opportunity to get involved! On April 7-8, a very special conference will take place at the Washington Marriott in Washington, D.C. – Confronting the Judicial War on Faith. The event is being sponsored by The JCCCR. I am honored to be chairman of the organization's Executive Committee. The registration fee is $149. To register on-line, or for more details, go to

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