Become A Patriot Pastor


A Case for Action

It is time for God’s people to take a stand and join the fight to reclaim America for God. For almost 50 years the churches of America have been largely silent in the political and civil arenas. Many of us bought the lie of separation of church and state. We have all watched silently as the foundations upon which our nation was built have been destroyed before our very eyes. Our nation has been swept up in the tide of liberalism, the agenda's of special interest groups, and a world-view that is diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Bible.

Statistics strongly suggest that most Pastors and Christians have left the political battlefields to the enemy. Exit polling data indicates that the evangelical Christian vote dropped 40% in the past 6 years. Today, only 1 of every 4 professing Christians actually participates in the election process. Why has this happened? Because the Church has not been engaged. As a result, thousands of local, state and federal offices lack the influence of … or the accountability to God-fearing, Bible-believing citizens.

We cannot be silent any longer. If Christians register to vote, and if Christians become active voters, we can make a difference and reclaim America for Jesus Christ! But, it won't just happen. Pastors across America must take the lead. Now is the time for the church to stand up … to speak up … and to purpose together that we will not give up! You and your congregation must make a difference.

If you are a church leader who is concerned about the moral state of America and is willing to step forward and be counted … we invite you to join with other like-minded men and women who are committed to restoring Judeo-Christian values to the civic and moral fiber of our Nation by mobilizing congregations to become informed and active voters. We are not asking for a financial commitment. Nor will your name or the name of your church ever appear on any sort of list without your specific permission. Just as God encouraged Elijah … I Kings 19:18 … pastors committed to this cause need to know that they are not standing alone in the fight to reclaim America.

Our request is to simply stand with us. We are asking nothing more. However, in a Patriot Pastor relationship, Vision America will provide timely information on critical events, and is available to assist where needed in establishing an effective community impact program designed to meet the specific needs and objectives of each church.

We now have over 1,000 Pastors and Churches affiliated with Vision America. But we are praying and looking for thousands. Can you imagine the impact of 10,000 pastors urging their congregations to vote for candidates who share the same fundamental beliefs that we as Christians cherish? Can you imagine the impact of 10,000 Pastors united in their demand that Judges in this nation be accountable to uphold the laws of our land, rather that rewrite them?

This is the vision behind Vision America. We acknowledge that many of you are already effectively leading your congregations to civic involvement. We thank God for your courageous stand. Nevertheless, our collective impact can be much greater if we stand together. Please stand with us. Please join us today online as a Patriot Pastor. Again, there is no financial obligation.

As a special incentive to join as a Patriot Pastor we will send you a complimentary copy of David Barton’s new video, “The Role of Pastors and Christians in Civil Government” … an exciting and informative presentation which highlights the role of the Church during the struggle for America’s independence.

As a Patriot Pastor you would be asked to:

  • PRAY for Vision America and for the leadership of
    Vision America
  • ASSIST/PROVIDE support by using personal influence to encourage pastors to attend future Vision America Pastors’ events in your area
  • LEAD your individual congregation by:
Teaching your congregation the Biblical basis for their Christian responsibilities in the civic arena Encouraging and conducting an active voter registration program

Using your influence and reminding all Christians to vote

Providing Biblical insight to your congregation so they will be equipped to exercise their responsibilities as informed Christian citizens on specific matters of public policy including the following:

  • Sanctity of Human Life
  • Sanctity of Marriage and Family
  • Personal Decency and Moral Integrity
  • Religious Liberty and Citizenship
Enlisting a leader in your church to serve as our coordinator for community impact activities.

If you are interested in joining with Vision America as a Patriot Pastor, Click here

 Send mail to [email protected]
 Copyright © 2004 Vision America

Vision America
PO Box 10
Lufkin, Texas 75902
(866) 522-5582